Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter Ten - The Bet

*The palace room is dimly lit. Very little can be seen except two figures. One is sitting on the throne, the other is standing on the ground in front.*

???: Your Majesty, it appears the children of Destiny have already gained the alliance of Kalysha.

???: Ahh, I see. Not to be underestimated it seems. But do not worry, JyuJoker, mere children cannot even get close to me. I could easily send 'Apocalypse' after them and have their heads. But for now, let us see how far they can get. I will bet you ten thousand gold, that they will not gain the alliance of four of the five great spirits. However note, I will send KyuKira after them when they have acquire three alliances.

???: Your Majesty, then very well, I accept the bet. Now, apologies. I must be off to speak to Zallarath about the war. ???: You are excused. *The figure standing bows out and leaves the room.*

Chapter Nine - The Demon

*Note, Ilr'e is in human form.*

Ilr'e: Where am I?

Yuuna: You fainted so we brought you to the inn. Akaya wants to speak to you.

Ilr'e: I saved him, yeah?

Akaya: Yes, you did. I thank you for that. But there are some questions as to who you are that i wish to ask. You are a demon?

Ilr'e: ...yes. I am the demon that guides the dead to their final destination.

Reiza: We need no help demons.

Shinichi: Reiza, don't be so impulsive. You see what he did. If it weren't for him, we would've all been dead!

Yuuna: Why are you here then, Ilr'e?

Ilr'e: My title is, "Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper". It is my role to protect the worlds.

Shinichi: Title?

Ilr'e: You guys don't know about titles? Hmmm, then again, it is very rare for a commoner mortal to have one. When one realises their true purpose they will receive their title.

Akaya: Receive? From whom?

Ilr'e: They will know in their mind.

Reiza: You could lie about your title, couldn't you.

Ilr'e: It is impossible. You try it. Say you are my title.

Reiza: I am Reiza, Es-s-s-...

Ilr'e: See.

Akaya: I am Ilr'e, Eee-Ess-See-O-o-o... Letter by letter doesn't work. There is no way to lie about your title?

Ilr'e: You are extremely intelligent, Akaya. But there are many more with greater intelligent. Not even by the use of magic can one lie about his title.

Ichika: So, Il're where are you from?

Ilr'e: I will give an introduction, I am Ilr'e, Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper. I am a demon, but am currently in human form. I am from the place called 'Event Horizon', where human souls are judged and sent to Yulator or Sallukizor.

Ichika: I haven't seen your demon form, can you show me?

Ilr'e: No. On this world, there is too little Souldust for me to exist as my regular form.

Shinichi: Souldust?

Ilr'e: Wicked souls are turned into Souldust by the Myalica, the black crystals of the land. They are rare on this land though.

Akaya: Ilr'e, I have heard of Sallukizor, City of the Dead, but what is this Yulator?

Ilr'e: Yulator is City of the Released. A soul is either sent to Sallukizor or Yulator depending on whether it receives the blessing of Yul or Salli. What determines which blessing the soul is given is still unknown.

Akaya: Then Palluriana could be in Yulator...

Ilr'e: Yes.

Reiza: Let's get to Kalysha already.

*They head off to Kalysha's temple.*

Shinichi: Kalysha, we got the ring!

Kalysha: As expected!

Yuuna: You'll make a pact with one of us then?

Kalysha: I'm very sorry! But no pact can be formed until you have the alliance of the five great spirits. You now have my alliance! Four more to go!

Akaya: Very well. Kalysha, your ring.

*Reiza gives the ring to her. Kalysha puts on the ring onto her left index finger. She creates a current in the water surrounding them raising her to the roof of the temple. The colour of her skin and dress are revitalised.*

Kalysha: I have my powers back. Thank you, Knights. I will stay here at the temple. When you have gained the alliance of the five, summon me, and our pact shall be formed! And who is this one? A sixth knight?

Ilr'e: I am Ilr'e, Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper. I will accompany these Knights on their mission.

Kalysha: A mortal with a title? Very hard to find indeed.

Ilr'e: Not a mortal. A demon.

Kalysha: I see! Anyways, Knights, where are you off to next?

Akaya: I do not know. Where do all the great spirits reside?

Kalysha: Ahh. Zaryron lives in Ratsid, technological city. Hylloi, in the sacred Hall of Voices. Osykin in Kujbolluka, the tribal land. And Palluriana... is dead, you must wait for a new Lord to be elected, though I am not sure that will substitute as a Great Spirit...

Reiza: The closest place to here is the Hall of Voices. Let's go there.

Akaya: Ok. May we stay another night here Kalysha?

Kalysha: Of course.

*They return to the Inn to eat and rest.*