Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter Ten - The Bet

*The palace room is dimly lit. Very little can be seen except two figures. One is sitting on the throne, the other is standing on the ground in front.*

???: Your Majesty, it appears the children of Destiny have already gained the alliance of Kalysha.

???: Ahh, I see. Not to be underestimated it seems. But do not worry, JyuJoker, mere children cannot even get close to me. I could easily send 'Apocalypse' after them and have their heads. But for now, let us see how far they can get. I will bet you ten thousand gold, that they will not gain the alliance of four of the five great spirits. However note, I will send KyuKira after them when they have acquire three alliances.

???: Your Majesty, then very well, I accept the bet. Now, apologies. I must be off to speak to Zallarath about the war. ???: You are excused. *The figure standing bows out and leaves the room.*

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