Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Chapter Ten - The Bet

*The palace room is dimly lit. Very little can be seen except two figures. One is sitting on the throne, the other is standing on the ground in front.*

???: Your Majesty, it appears the children of Destiny have already gained the alliance of Kalysha.

???: Ahh, I see. Not to be underestimated it seems. But do not worry, JyuJoker, mere children cannot even get close to me. I could easily send 'Apocalypse' after them and have their heads. But for now, let us see how far they can get. I will bet you ten thousand gold, that they will not gain the alliance of four of the five great spirits. However note, I will send KyuKira after them when they have acquire three alliances.

???: Your Majesty, then very well, I accept the bet. Now, apologies. I must be off to speak to Zallarath about the war. ???: You are excused. *The figure standing bows out and leaves the room.*

Chapter Nine - The Demon

*Note, Ilr'e is in human form.*

Ilr'e: Where am I?

Yuuna: You fainted so we brought you to the inn. Akaya wants to speak to you.

Ilr'e: I saved him, yeah?

Akaya: Yes, you did. I thank you for that. But there are some questions as to who you are that i wish to ask. You are a demon?

Ilr'e: ...yes. I am the demon that guides the dead to their final destination.

Reiza: We need no help demons.

Shinichi: Reiza, don't be so impulsive. You see what he did. If it weren't for him, we would've all been dead!

Yuuna: Why are you here then, Ilr'e?

Ilr'e: My title is, "Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper". It is my role to protect the worlds.

Shinichi: Title?

Ilr'e: You guys don't know about titles? Hmmm, then again, it is very rare for a commoner mortal to have one. When one realises their true purpose they will receive their title.

Akaya: Receive? From whom?

Ilr'e: They will know in their mind.

Reiza: You could lie about your title, couldn't you.

Ilr'e: It is impossible. You try it. Say you are my title.

Reiza: I am Reiza, Es-s-s-...

Ilr'e: See.

Akaya: I am Ilr'e, Eee-Ess-See-O-o-o... Letter by letter doesn't work. There is no way to lie about your title?

Ilr'e: You are extremely intelligent, Akaya. But there are many more with greater intelligent. Not even by the use of magic can one lie about his title.

Ichika: So, Il're where are you from?

Ilr'e: I will give an introduction, I am Ilr'e, Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper. I am a demon, but am currently in human form. I am from the place called 'Event Horizon', where human souls are judged and sent to Yulator or Sallukizor.

Ichika: I haven't seen your demon form, can you show me?

Ilr'e: No. On this world, there is too little Souldust for me to exist as my regular form.

Shinichi: Souldust?

Ilr'e: Wicked souls are turned into Souldust by the Myalica, the black crystals of the land. They are rare on this land though.

Akaya: Ilr'e, I have heard of Sallukizor, City of the Dead, but what is this Yulator?

Ilr'e: Yulator is City of the Released. A soul is either sent to Sallukizor or Yulator depending on whether it receives the blessing of Yul or Salli. What determines which blessing the soul is given is still unknown.

Akaya: Then Palluriana could be in Yulator...

Ilr'e: Yes.

Reiza: Let's get to Kalysha already.

*They head off to Kalysha's temple.*

Shinichi: Kalysha, we got the ring!

Kalysha: As expected!

Yuuna: You'll make a pact with one of us then?

Kalysha: I'm very sorry! But no pact can be formed until you have the alliance of the five great spirits. You now have my alliance! Four more to go!

Akaya: Very well. Kalysha, your ring.

*Reiza gives the ring to her. Kalysha puts on the ring onto her left index finger. She creates a current in the water surrounding them raising her to the roof of the temple. The colour of her skin and dress are revitalised.*

Kalysha: I have my powers back. Thank you, Knights. I will stay here at the temple. When you have gained the alliance of the five, summon me, and our pact shall be formed! And who is this one? A sixth knight?

Ilr'e: I am Ilr'e, Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper. I will accompany these Knights on their mission.

Kalysha: A mortal with a title? Very hard to find indeed.

Ilr'e: Not a mortal. A demon.

Kalysha: I see! Anyways, Knights, where are you off to next?

Akaya: I do not know. Where do all the great spirits reside?

Kalysha: Ahh. Zaryron lives in Ratsid, technological city. Hylloi, in the sacred Hall of Voices. Osykin in Kujbolluka, the tribal land. And Palluriana... is dead, you must wait for a new Lord to be elected, though I am not sure that will substitute as a Great Spirit...

Reiza: The closest place to here is the Hall of Voices. Let's go there.

Akaya: Ok. May we stay another night here Kalysha?

Kalysha: Of course.

*They return to the Inn to eat and rest.*

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Chapter Eight - A New Ally

Akaya: Guys, wake up. We're having breakfast then heading off to the cave after that.

Shinichi: *yawns* Ahhh, Ok.

*The group goes downstairs to have breakfast at the Inn. They leave the city and after a while they reach the outskirts of the city. They see a boy about their age. His most distinguishing feature is his smooth, white hair. He is topless and wears a white loincloth around his waist.*

Boy: Hey guys, I heard you're planning to go to the Cave of Tides. There are pretty stronger monsters there and its dangerous. I heard there's a great beast called Leviathan in there. Need help?

Yuuna: How'd you know? And sure, we'd be glad-

Reiza: No, thanks. We don't accept help from strangers.

Akaya: ... *thinking, planning*

Shinichi: Wassup Reiza? We could do with some help.

Boy: Yeah, I can fight, you know! I'm not just some guy who's gonna get himself killed.

Akaya: How do you fight? Weapons?

*The Boy pulls a sharp white, dagger-like blade out from his bare chest. There is blood but his body heals quickly. The group, except for Akaya back off.*

Boy: Bone Daggers.

Shinichi: Akaya! He just pulled one of his bones out!

Ichika: Digusting! Ahhh!

*Ichika covers behind Shinichi. Reiza leaps forward next to the boy, spins around him and grabs him with one arm. His other arm points a sharp dart at the boys neck. He does this motion in a split second.*

Reiza: Akaya, shall I kill him?

Akaya: His tone of voice contains no deceit, let him go. I will ask him questions.

*Reiza releases the boy*

Akaya: What is your name?

Boy: Renku

Akaya: That is lie. Do not lie to me again. Your name?

Boy: ...fine. It's... Ilr'e.

Akaya: Hmm, I see. Why do you want to join us despite the dangers?

Ilr'e: ...Because I was chosen to help you.

Akaya (thinking): ...there is no deceit in his tone... he truly believes that. But how would he know who we were... I'll figure that out later...

Ilr'e: I was born able to do that. I have other talents as well but I won't reveal them yet. I am a person with secrets, and I know that you have secrets too.

Akaya: Hmm, very well. But know Reiza and I are always watching you.

Reiza (whispering to Akaya): Are you crazy? He could be a spy!

Akaya (glancing at Ilr'e): That is unlikely. Anyways I have made my decision.

*The group, now with Ilr'e walk the path to the Cave of Tides.*

Shinichi: So Ilr'e what about your parents? Won't they be worried about you?

Ilr'e: Haha, I don't have parents. I have no idea who they are. I was adopted by a Tyamian since I was born. He's been my Dad since ages.

Ichika: Same here! We don't have parents either. We all came from an orphanage and were raised by Marge and Gren, they're like our mother and father now.

Shinichi: Akaya, maybe he's one of us! He's an orphan too!

Akaya: 'She' chose only five. He is not one of us, but perhaps he really was chosen to assist us.

Ilr'e: 'Us'? The Knights chosen by Destiny?

Reiza (extremely suspicious): How do you know of that?

Ilr'e: I had a dream, Destiny told me I was to help you guys.

Akaya (thinking): ...She mentioned nothing of that... This is very strange.

*A while later of walking and talking they reach the cave and enter. The caves walls are of limestone and the cave is illuminated by glowing stones embedded in the walls. They marvel at the natural beauty and then continue through. They see a few globular creatures that seem hostile and attack them. With the help of each other they manage to kill the monsters. They continue through the maze and defeat a few more hostile enemies, such as giant crabs, giant lobsters. The eventually reach the central chamber of the cave.*

Yuuna: Wow, there a stones everywhere in this room! Do you think the room the ring is in?

Shinchi: Oh god, that means L-L-Leviathan!

*A part of the ceiling crumbles and a huge eel like creature slides down into the chamber. Leviathan has blade like teeth and lood red eyes.*

Leviathan: You are the chosen ones? I am the protector of Kalysha's ring. I was born to protect it and will die protecting it! If you are the true Knights, then show me your power, I will not hold back!

*He rushes at them and opens his huge jaws.*

*Reiza jumps to a ceiling corner of the room and flings a few darts, aiming for his eye, before jumping to another ceiling corner and repeating his attacks.*

*Shinchi holds his sword up in stance and Ichika goes into stance as well. Yuuna stands behind them and fires arrows from her bow. Ilr'e jumps on Leviathan and continuously stabs him with his bone daggers.*

*Akaya puts his hands together in a prayer-like position. He then slowly moves them apart. In between them is a distortion of space. He flings the shining orb he creates at Leviathan.*

Akaya: I am a sorceror! I channel the magic in my bones through my will!

*Everyone is amazed by Akaya magic. After all, it was thought that all sorcerors were dead except for Platine.*

*Leviathan is unfazed by all the attacks and continues rushing towards them.*

*The attacks continue and eventually Leviathan injures all of them by ramming them and such.*

Leviathan: Tidal Surge!

*He tenses quickly and releases creating a wavefront that smashes everyone against the wall. Ichika is knocked unconscious. Shinichi, heavily injured, is protecting her from further harm. Yuuna is unconscious. Reiza is fatigued and can barely move (the result of his leaping from corner to corner). Akaya is suffering from mana burn (result of using too much magic). Ilr'e is lying down barely able to move.*

Leviathan: How weak. So you are not the Knights after all. You die here, impostors!

*Leviathan rushes at extreme speed towards the paralysed Akaya, attempting to ram him and kill him.*

Akaya: My mana... I'm out. It's the end for us...

*Leviathan is an inche away from Akaya. He stops.*

*Akaya, Reiza and Shinichi look at Leviathan. Beside him is a tall humanoid being with white hair. Bones are protuding from his body, that tear holes in the cloth wrapped around his body. The white bony being sees Akaya, Reiza and Shinichi staring at him, from the corner of his eye. The being's arm has ripped through the body of Leviathan and his hand that sticks out the other end of the dead carcass of the eel holds a golden shining ring.*

Reiza (still unable to move): ...Demon...

*Akaya's eyes flashed red. He could see for a second. He saw the tall figure next to him leap up and kill the beast. The demon had saved him.*

Akaya: Ilr'e... you are a demon? Why did you save me?

Shinichi: ...

*The sleek, white demon turns back into the boy the group had met, and faints.*

*The group all take a while to rest.*

Reiza: He could be a spy of Hallekorr.

Akaya: Entirely possible, but I admit, he did save my life. I'll ask him questions later. Let's get out of here.

Ichika (regaining consciousness): What happened?

Shinichi: Ilr'e saved us all. He killed Leviathan. You should've seen him he was a... d-demon, tall, white and bony.

Yuuna: Wow. We're lucky we met him.

Akaya: Not lucky. He told us he was chosen to help us. I could sense no deceit.

Shinichi: Let's get out of here. We'll talk about it later.

*The group leave with the ring. Shinichi and Ichika carry the unconscious Ilr'e out. They return to Tyamo.*

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Info Break - Characters.

Akaya is the leader of the group of five who are named as the Shining Knights and is an extremely responsible person. He is extremely intelligent with an IQ of approximately 186, possibly up to and above 200 when he is ‘focused’. Due to his intelligence he is usually the planner and tactician of the group, making sure everything goes to plan, and where there is a fault he will correct it. Akaya understands his ultimate purpose to fulfil his destiny and will do whatever it takes to defeat the evil and to free the Mortal World.

Quote: “Nothing is impossible”, “I will find a way”


Shinichi is a generous and caring person and often will get out of his way to assist other people. He believes it is his sole purpose to free the people of the world and to protect his love, Ichika, and would no doubt give up his life to put her out of danger. Shinichi has a strong heart for adventure and has always believed he is special and that he has an ultimate duty to fulfil. He is not particularly intelligent or tough, but his strong will and determination more than makes up for that. He is also extremely optimistic.

Quote: “I will do anything I can and anything I can’t to protect you!”, “I was not born to be a civilian!”


Reiza is the quietest of the group, often only making remarks as to question or if something perks his interest of attention. As Reiza is often used by Akaya to act as reconnaissance for him, or to do menial tasks (due to Akaya’s blindness), others may see him as a grunt. However it must be noted that this is not the case and Reiza is in reality extremely intelligent, possibly even comparing to Akaya, and is able to perceive things very well. It is only his quiet nature that hides his intelligence. Only Akaya knows this fact, that Reiza indeed has another personality inside him that he rarely shows (readers of DesCho will see this personality later). It is also known that he has a crush on Yuna, no doubt.

Quote: “Hmm?”, “Heh... You underestimate me...”


Ichika is the most active of the group and is what you would call an ‘upbeat’ girl. Her hobbies are going out, meeting people, and shopping. Because Ichika is attractive and as her nature is extroverted, she appears to be an ‘easy target’ for thieves and rapists. These people who attack her do not ever see anyone as an ‘easy target’ again, due to her proficiency at Kung Fu. Ichika is the moral support of the group, though she can obviously fight as well (however she dislikes fighting offensively and only uses her body for defense). In likes Shinichi for his determination and the fact that she is most important to him.

Quote: “Can we go shopping, Akaya? Please!”, “Not Little Red Riding Hood after all, am I?”


Yuuna [*thinks* ...ok, I have no idea what her personality is like ---“ but she keeps on getting amazed by stuff and that’s like really the only time she talks]


is ‘Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper’. He is the being in Event Horizon that escorts the Dead to where they will end up, Yulator, Sallukizor (or absorbed by black crystals, or reincarnated). He is also ‘Dimension Keeper’, a title donned unto him by the Architect herself. No one else knows Ilr’e has this title. This title means that it is his duty to keep the dimensions in order, so no chaos breaks out in any dimension. Ilr’e feels a much stronger duty to his second title than his first, and that is the reason why he left Event Horizon to save the Mortal World. He believes the Architect had specially chosen him to protect the Mortal World. He is slow moving as he is quite big and feels no need to walk fast (after all, he has lived since the creation of the Worlds, what time could he lose?) but very intelligent and possesses a large amount of knowledge on the many dimensions. He is also physically strong as he is a demon (note, demons are not necessarily bad). Ilr’e will later join the group of five children and assist them in their ‘mission’. Note, a physical description of Ilr’e is available in Chapter 7.

Quote: “Child, I have been assigned by the Heavens to assist you in your mission.”, “You dare defy me? I am the being that walks Souls to their final destination! Devour Soul!”

Info Break - Places.

The Mortal World (local name: ‘Uir’) is situated in the ‘Mortal Dimension’ and was a land of great kingdoms and a variety of different people, who calls themselves ‘Humans’ and creatures. The land is divided into six separate Kingdoms, Frannia, Dyssiria, Jyakia, Killopia, Derracia and Vvlatia. Each separate Kingdom was once ruled by a just, noble King. The Mortal World, created by the Divine Architect, was truly a beautiful place, often visited by the people of Lurridia and the guardians of Event Horizon for its spectacular landscape and the diverse freedom that could be seen through the World. However the freedom and beauty this land once held had died when the Ruler of the Dark World, Hallekorr, set his hideous filth and evil over the land. It is said that the royal advisor of King Rathus of Dyssiria, Platine, forged a pact with Hallekorr and allowed him and his minions to enter the World. Now as it stands, all but one Kingdom are under the control of Platine and war and poverty rage throughout the Kingdoms. It is only time before the sixth Kingdom, Vvlatia, is taken over. However, Vvlatia has the most powerful Mages and Knights, a band of heroes that guard the walls of the Kingdom from whatever evil outside. Despite all the misery, a speck hope arises from the death of the great Angel, Palluria, who upon death had promised of six shining Knights, brought up as orphans in a small town, that will save this world and return the freedom the Architect had promised.


Lurridia (local name: Jana) is a land in another dimension to the Mortal World. There are many theories of how this land and its people came about, but the most probably one is that once Lurridia was a continent, a Great Kingdom, of the Mortal World. Perhaps a mighty sorcerer or an Angel lifted this land into another dimension? The people of Lurridia, who call themselves the ‘Illb’, are very similar the Humans of Uir, however there are some differences such as their luminous skin and their lack of hair. Currently Lurridia is governed by a council body, known as ‘The Council of the Skies’ universally, and though Lurridia is an extremely organised and strict in the workings of its society, there still remains freedom for the Illb’s personal activities.


Event Horizon is the barren land of Judgement. It is patched with black crystals all around and it is the souls of the wicked-hearted that these crystal absorb to grow. There reside two beings, Urkanov (Judge of Hearts and Gatekeeper of Yulator and Sallukizor) and Ilr’e (Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper). One’s main priority is to judge the soul of a dead being, and the other’s responsibility is to escort the soul to the portal of Yulator or Sallukizor. Only dead souls or one of the two may enter the Event Horizon.


[The Architect had two children, Yul (Son of the Architect) and Salli (Daughter of the Architect). They both created their own land, Yulator and Sallukizor respectively. When a being dies, Yul or Salli will present them with his/her blessing. It is unknown how whether Yul or Salli’s blessing is given is determined. Whichever blessing is received, the dead soul will be allowed admittance into either Yulator or Sallukizor. There are exceptions where both blessings are given and where no blessing is given. If both blessings are given then there can be nothing done, but to allow the Soul to be reincarnated into a new being. If no blessings are given, it means the Soul is wicked and is absorbed by the black crystals.]

Yulator is one of the two Worlds of the Dead and is called the ‘City of Release’ in the myths of the Humans. Yulator is a typical cheerful place and is what appears to be a humongous building, filled with a multitude of different types of rooms, such as bedrooms and smaller internal buildings where the Dead work for Mil (the currency of Yulator). The dead cannot die again and so food and drink are not necessary for their nutrition but the people simply enjoy the food for its taste. Mil can also be used for entertainment and services.

Sallukizor is the other World of the Dead, called ‘City of the Dead’ in the myths of Humans. Unlike Yulator, Sallukizor is a dull place, resembling a grey, rocky cave. Sallukizor has many tunnels leading to different chambers of the land. Though Yulator is humongous, it is not entirely impossible to imagine the scope of its expanse. Sallukizor however is much, much larger, with rumours that suggest the network of tunnels and chambers is larger than the Mortal World. At first glance it would appear that Sallukizor is underground and there is a surface, however Salli has once said, “My land is not underground. The structure and shape of this land is beyond your imagination, Human!” And therefore it is concluded that Sallukizor is not underground but perhaps of a higher spatial dimension than three?


I will not release any information on the ‘Dark Dimension’ yet.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapter Seven - Ilr'e's Duty

*In the land called Event Horizon. Two beings are having tea on a dark, sleek, glass table top. Around the table is barren ground the reaches for miles. There are a few black spiking crystals protruding from the dirt.*

*Both of the beings are humanoid, however their proportions are not human. They are both thin and tall, sharp bones can be seen protruding from their flesh. Their faces are slightly longer than a human's and they both have extended canines. The first being is apporximately two and a half meters tall and wears a clean white cloth that wraps around his sleek body. He has white pale skin, his neck-length hair is soft and white and his snake-like eyes are the colours of emeralds. The second being is slightly larger, about three meters tall. Unlike his partner, he wears a torn black robe and wears chains around this robe. He also wears a ragged cape. His hair is much longer and reaches to his lower-back. His eyes, look devoid of emotion and are blood-red. This being is Urkanov, Judge of Hearts and Gatekeeper of Yulator and Sallukizor.*

Ilr'e (the first being, pouring a cup of tea): Ah, Urkanov, did you hear the news? A child of the Mortal World plans to cross the barrier to Sallukizor and return with the Lord of Clouds!

Urkanov: Ho ho! Ilre, my friend. Surely you must know that is not possible! That law I decreed cannot be broken! Why, even I cannot cross!

Ilr'e: Could you pass me the sugar? Is there not a flaw in that law? A loophole perhaps?

Urkanov (passing the sugar, and sounding more serious): No. It is impossible. There is absolutely no way he can cross back if he crosses into the land.

Ilr'e: Ahh, my friend. I see. But do you not feel sympathy for the child and his land? After all, it was your younger brother, Hallekorr that caused these people such grief and disaster. Speaking of which, how do Summoners force things to cross your barriers?

Urkanov (calmed again): The only barriers that cannot be crossed is the barrier between Yulator and the Mortal Dimension, the barrier between the Mortal Dimension and Sallukizor and the barrier between Yulator and Sallukizor. And, my friend, what my brother does does not concern me. Even if I did feel sympathy for the boy, I cannot remove the barrier anymore. I used up most of my powers creating them after all, to simply preserve the order of things and to protect the Mortal World, you know?

Ilr'e (serious): You really will not help the Humans? I know Hallekorr's intentions. He will destroy the Mortal Dimension when the time comes. He has simply used Platine to come into the world. That pact with Platine was flawed, a fake. When he has gathered enough power he WILL destroy the Mortals if no one stops him. He will turn against Platine and betray him.

Urkanov (Angry and standing): Ilr'e, you are my old friend! Are you implying I am cruel and wish for the Mortal Dimension to be destroyed? You must understand that for Eternity my responsibility is to guard these gates (pointing to a strong black crystal gate that appears to be simply standing in the middle of the wasteland - it is actually a dimensional portal that dead souls go to to be judged by Urkanov whether they go to Yulator, City of Release, or Sallukizor, City of the Dead). I swore that Oath to myself and that I cannot break!

Ilr'e (apologetic): Apologies, Urkanov. We have been old acquaintainces for a long time, but the duty I feel to the Mortal World lies deep in me. I must help the Humans, I must help them defeat Hallekorr otherwise their World ends.

Urkanov (regretful and sitting back down): Why do you feel such duty, Ilr'e? Please I will be my lonely old self without you to chat with me.

Ilr'e (regretful too): Urkanov, I cannot say my reasons, but truly they are justifiable. Goodbye my friend, I will return.

*Ilr'e walks off from the table and towards an edge of a cliff and jumps off. He spreads his bat-like wings that were hidden underneath the white cloth he wears. He flies straight down into the Dimesnional Sea and into the Mortal World! Ilr'e's title is Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper.*