Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Info Break - Characters.

Akaya is the leader of the group of five who are named as the Shining Knights and is an extremely responsible person. He is extremely intelligent with an IQ of approximately 186, possibly up to and above 200 when he is ‘focused’. Due to his intelligence he is usually the planner and tactician of the group, making sure everything goes to plan, and where there is a fault he will correct it. Akaya understands his ultimate purpose to fulfil his destiny and will do whatever it takes to defeat the evil and to free the Mortal World.

Quote: “Nothing is impossible”, “I will find a way”


Shinichi is a generous and caring person and often will get out of his way to assist other people. He believes it is his sole purpose to free the people of the world and to protect his love, Ichika, and would no doubt give up his life to put her out of danger. Shinichi has a strong heart for adventure and has always believed he is special and that he has an ultimate duty to fulfil. He is not particularly intelligent or tough, but his strong will and determination more than makes up for that. He is also extremely optimistic.

Quote: “I will do anything I can and anything I can’t to protect you!”, “I was not born to be a civilian!”


Reiza is the quietest of the group, often only making remarks as to question or if something perks his interest of attention. As Reiza is often used by Akaya to act as reconnaissance for him, or to do menial tasks (due to Akaya’s blindness), others may see him as a grunt. However it must be noted that this is not the case and Reiza is in reality extremely intelligent, possibly even comparing to Akaya, and is able to perceive things very well. It is only his quiet nature that hides his intelligence. Only Akaya knows this fact, that Reiza indeed has another personality inside him that he rarely shows (readers of DesCho will see this personality later). It is also known that he has a crush on Yuna, no doubt.

Quote: “Hmm?”, “Heh... You underestimate me...”


Ichika is the most active of the group and is what you would call an ‘upbeat’ girl. Her hobbies are going out, meeting people, and shopping. Because Ichika is attractive and as her nature is extroverted, she appears to be an ‘easy target’ for thieves and rapists. These people who attack her do not ever see anyone as an ‘easy target’ again, due to her proficiency at Kung Fu. Ichika is the moral support of the group, though she can obviously fight as well (however she dislikes fighting offensively and only uses her body for defense). In likes Shinichi for his determination and the fact that she is most important to him.

Quote: “Can we go shopping, Akaya? Please!”, “Not Little Red Riding Hood after all, am I?”


Yuuna [*thinks* ...ok, I have no idea what her personality is like ---“ but she keeps on getting amazed by stuff and that’s like really the only time she talks]


is ‘Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper’. He is the being in Event Horizon that escorts the Dead to where they will end up, Yulator, Sallukizor (or absorbed by black crystals, or reincarnated). He is also ‘Dimension Keeper’, a title donned unto him by the Architect herself. No one else knows Ilr’e has this title. This title means that it is his duty to keep the dimensions in order, so no chaos breaks out in any dimension. Ilr’e feels a much stronger duty to his second title than his first, and that is the reason why he left Event Horizon to save the Mortal World. He believes the Architect had specially chosen him to protect the Mortal World. He is slow moving as he is quite big and feels no need to walk fast (after all, he has lived since the creation of the Worlds, what time could he lose?) but very intelligent and possesses a large amount of knowledge on the many dimensions. He is also physically strong as he is a demon (note, demons are not necessarily bad). Ilr’e will later join the group of five children and assist them in their ‘mission’. Note, a physical description of Ilr’e is available in Chapter 7.

Quote: “Child, I have been assigned by the Heavens to assist you in your mission.”, “You dare defy me? I am the being that walks Souls to their final destination! Devour Soul!”

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