Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chapter Seven - Ilr'e's Duty

*In the land called Event Horizon. Two beings are having tea on a dark, sleek, glass table top. Around the table is barren ground the reaches for miles. There are a few black spiking crystals protruding from the dirt.*

*Both of the beings are humanoid, however their proportions are not human. They are both thin and tall, sharp bones can be seen protruding from their flesh. Their faces are slightly longer than a human's and they both have extended canines. The first being is apporximately two and a half meters tall and wears a clean white cloth that wraps around his sleek body. He has white pale skin, his neck-length hair is soft and white and his snake-like eyes are the colours of emeralds. The second being is slightly larger, about three meters tall. Unlike his partner, he wears a torn black robe and wears chains around this robe. He also wears a ragged cape. His hair is much longer and reaches to his lower-back. His eyes, look devoid of emotion and are blood-red. This being is Urkanov, Judge of Hearts and Gatekeeper of Yulator and Sallukizor.*

Ilr'e (the first being, pouring a cup of tea): Ah, Urkanov, did you hear the news? A child of the Mortal World plans to cross the barrier to Sallukizor and return with the Lord of Clouds!

Urkanov: Ho ho! Ilre, my friend. Surely you must know that is not possible! That law I decreed cannot be broken! Why, even I cannot cross!

Ilr'e: Could you pass me the sugar? Is there not a flaw in that law? A loophole perhaps?

Urkanov (passing the sugar, and sounding more serious): No. It is impossible. There is absolutely no way he can cross back if he crosses into the land.

Ilr'e: Ahh, my friend. I see. But do you not feel sympathy for the child and his land? After all, it was your younger brother, Hallekorr that caused these people such grief and disaster. Speaking of which, how do Summoners force things to cross your barriers?

Urkanov (calmed again): The only barriers that cannot be crossed is the barrier between Yulator and the Mortal Dimension, the barrier between the Mortal Dimension and Sallukizor and the barrier between Yulator and Sallukizor. And, my friend, what my brother does does not concern me. Even if I did feel sympathy for the boy, I cannot remove the barrier anymore. I used up most of my powers creating them after all, to simply preserve the order of things and to protect the Mortal World, you know?

Ilr'e (serious): You really will not help the Humans? I know Hallekorr's intentions. He will destroy the Mortal Dimension when the time comes. He has simply used Platine to come into the world. That pact with Platine was flawed, a fake. When he has gathered enough power he WILL destroy the Mortals if no one stops him. He will turn against Platine and betray him.

Urkanov (Angry and standing): Ilr'e, you are my old friend! Are you implying I am cruel and wish for the Mortal Dimension to be destroyed? You must understand that for Eternity my responsibility is to guard these gates (pointing to a strong black crystal gate that appears to be simply standing in the middle of the wasteland - it is actually a dimensional portal that dead souls go to to be judged by Urkanov whether they go to Yulator, City of Release, or Sallukizor, City of the Dead). I swore that Oath to myself and that I cannot break!

Ilr'e (apologetic): Apologies, Urkanov. We have been old acquaintainces for a long time, but the duty I feel to the Mortal World lies deep in me. I must help the Humans, I must help them defeat Hallekorr otherwise their World ends.

Urkanov (regretful and sitting back down): Why do you feel such duty, Ilr'e? Please I will be my lonely old self without you to chat with me.

Ilr'e (regretful too): Urkanov, I cannot say my reasons, but truly they are justifiable. Goodbye my friend, I will return.

*Ilr'e walks off from the table and towards an edge of a cliff and jumps off. He spreads his bat-like wings that were hidden underneath the white cloth he wears. He flies straight down into the Dimesnional Sea and into the Mortal World! Ilr'e's title is Escort of Souls and Dimension Keeper.*

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