Friday, February 26, 2010

Chapter Five - The Test

*From the Paloma Islands, the group enjoyed a good night's sleep at a local inn. The next morning, after breakfast at the inn, they take a Submarine down to the Sunken City. After eight hours of chatting and getting some extra rest for the events to come, they eventually arrive at Tyamo.*

Ichika: Yeah! We've finally reached Tyamo! We've gotta send a letter to Marge to tell her we're ok!

Reiza: Of course. By the way, Akaya, we're so deep underwater why hasn't the pressure crushed us already? And how will we breathe underwater?

Akaya: Magic. Tyamo is actually a very old city, existing from about eight hundred years ago, long before Platine took over Dyssiria. I would assume the great beings of the heavens had cast a spell on this city, allowing its people to live.

Yuuna: Isn't it amazing how this city is still filled with people?

Akaya: Tyamo is still very popular.

Shinichi: Hey Akaya, we gotta send a letter to Marge!

Akaya: Yes, yes. I know. I don't forget things... Let's go then, to the Mail Shop.

*A while later*

Ichika (writng on letter): Marge, Gren and the orphanage!!! We've arrived in Tyamo! You wouldn't believe the sight of this place, it's just fabulous! Life is brimming everywhere! How's the orphanage going? I hope everything is still going okay without us. Haha, our new family has been nice to us, but I still don't get the family feeling. Guess it'll have to wait!

Ichika (writing):
Anyways we're all okay and of course Akaya's still blinded. Yuuna's wound is healing though! Reiza is still his good, old regular self, helping Akaya a lot, haha. Shini and I (Ichika) are now girlfriend and boyfriend! I really like Shini and he loves me too. Don't worry about me Marge, Shini will protect me! We're all okay but of course We all miss everyone at the orpanage a lot. Haha, hope to get your reply soon! Our Mail Code is "4617, Tyamo Mail Shop". Hope we can all see you guys soon! Love, Ichika, Shini, Reiza, Yuuna, Akaya <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Ichika: Done! We can mail it now!

Akaya: Cool. Now we need to get to the Temple of Waves. I am very curious about Destiny's message and meeting Kalysha. No doubt both will give us information.

Stranger 1 @ Stranger 2: I can't get into the temple! There's some sort of invisible barrier!

Stranger 2: Leave it be then, perhaps our Goddess does not wish to be disturbed.

*The strangers leave*

Shinichi: WHAT? We can't get into the temple?

Akaya: He never said we couldn't. He just said he couldn't... Perhaps Kalysha has given us a personal invitation.

*They head to a crumbling temple. The temple is coloured blue and made of strong rock, however they ears and the currents have eroded some of the pillars of support. It is a heritage site of Tyamo and a place where citizens of Tyamo go for their prayers to be answered. They head into the main room. The insides of the main room arelined with sea blue sapphires and tiles of white, and different shades of blue cover the ground.*

Yuuna: Wow. This is really beautiful!

Reiza: Of course, this is the temple of a Goddess, what would you expect?

*A young attractive woman, looking thirty years old, with a sparkling turquoise, patterned with white strokes of the free-flowing wind and shells of the deep ocean, gown appears from a doorway in front of them. Her voice is loud and strong but calm and is inviting.*

Woman: The mark of Destiny is on you five! How long I have waited for you five children! Four Hundred and eighty-six years I remember. But no matter, the Knights have arrived! And they shall free Dyssiria and the two Kingdoms from the Evil that contaminates them! Children, I am Kalysha, Dreaming Angel of the Wind and Waves, Breeze and Tides. I knew you were coming. It appeared to me in a dream - Five knights in shining armour approaching this temple.

Akaya: Kalysha, we are honoured to meet you. The first time we have met such a being with so much power and wisdom.

Kalysha: Power? No, the power is with you five. You have not yet realised your potential, but when you do, you will be much much more powerful than any of us - enough to stand a chance against Platine!

I do hope so. Anyways, to the point, Kalysha, we require your assistance on our mission to defeat Platine. And I believe one of us is to make a pact with you, to become a Spirit Guardian.

Haha, you are hasty! Very good, all the more faster to defeat the Darkness! However... Prove yourselves to me! And I shall side with you!

Shinichi: Prove ourselves? How so?

Near this city is a cave, a a huge cave filled with hostile creatures with claws and teeth. Menacing, unrelenting and deadly. in that cave is a ring, a ring I had hidden for centuries. It is the ring that gives me my power! I hid it from the Darkness and so that eventually you five would retrieve it. You must retrieve it, and I will side with yous!

Yuuna: Monsters? How do we kill monsters?

Akaya: The skills we had developed those many years. Guys, we have what it takes! So let us find that ring!

Reiza: It is a ring. How do you expect us to find something so small in such a huge cave?

Kalysha: Ahh, the ring lies in the belly of a huge guardian. A guardian I summoned to protect the ring from strangers and from the Evil.

Ichika: Ahhhh! That's disgusting!

Yuuna: Yeah, totally gross.

Reiza: ... we'll get it.

Akaya: Kalysha, we accept your challenge. However I do believe my brothers and sisters require a few weapons: A sword, a bow and arrows, and darts.

I am glad you accepted! Thank you! Go and see the Blacksmith, tell him I, Kalysha, Guardian of Tyamo, have asked for his assistance! Also find the Inn keeper, you require a bed and food for tonight, for tomorrow you will be fighting!

*Reiza goes and gets both the Blacksmith and Inn Keeper and brings them to Kalysha. They are honoured to serve their Goddess and kindly give a sword, a bow and arrows, and darts. The Inn Keeper promises them a bed and a filling dinner.*

*Shinichi receives the sword. Yuuna receives the bow and arrows. Reiza receives the darts. Ichika fight with her hands and feet, her body is her weapon.*

Yuuna: Akaya, you don't need a weapon?

Akaya: Hmmm? My weapon is my mind.

Yuuna: Haha, oh yeah, Akaya's a genius!

Akaya: ...

Akaya: Kalysha, I heard you have a message from Destiny for us.

Kalysha: Indeed I do.

I presume in our dream?

Kalysha: You are clever, Akaya.

*The five eat their dinner, then together they go and explore Tyamo before going to bed. They chat about Tyamo and the orphanage for a while before sleeping.*

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter Four - Kidnapped!

*The group are aboard the Freedom, Captain Olly's Skyship.*
Ichika: Wow, you can see the whole continent from here!

Reiza: Olly says we should arrive tommorrow morning, and dinner's provided.

Shinichi: Nice!

Guys, come to my cabin, I have a few things to discuss with you.

*They follow Akaya to his cabin. Despite being blind, Akaya is very good with directions!*

Akaya: Reiza, mind watching over the door for us to make sure no one's listening in? I'll give you the info later. And also, don't make yourself or us look suspicious.

Reiza: Ok.

*Reiza leaves and watches the door from afar.*

Akaya: Ok, everyone. This is the first time we can discuss amongst ourselves. When we reach Tyamo we'll be heading for the Temple of Waves. That is where I believe we will meet Kalysha.

Yuuna: Well, Sentinel said four of us will have a spirit as our familiar each. Who'll be left out then?

Akaya: I would prefer I go without. But I'm sorry someone else must. Because Hylloi is mine. I need the powers of sound to use echolocation.

Shinichi: If someone has to, I'll go without. But is there a chance that Palluriana isn't dead.

Akaya: I've read myths of the City of the Dead. Only one person has come back from there. He came back half-dead crippled and diseased. He died a few days later. But, if that myth is true, then we know there is a way...

Ichika: But who said a spirit, an angel, would go to the City of the Dead?

Shinichi: We need more information, and the problem is, Akaya can't read anymore.

Akaya: Even if I can obtain Hylloi's powers of sound, reading will still be impossible. One of you will have to read for me. Anyways after we get Destiny's message and speak to Kalysha, hopefully forming an alliance, I plan to stop for a visit at Alopct, where the greatest of libraries is. If we are lucky, we'll get a lot more information on the background of this whole thing. Then I can make plans.

Akaya: Any questions on anything? Ok, guys you can relax on the ship. Just remember to use your fake names. I need to inform REiza on what we've discussed.

*The others leave to explore the ship. Akaya goes to find Reiza.*

*A while later...*

Akaya @ Shinichi: Hey Falloro, I can't find Serose. Can you help me find him?

Shinichi: Sure.

*A while later...*

Akaya: Falloro still hasn't come back. Oh no. Argh! If only I had my sight! How am I suppose to find them? Falloro would've come back if he hadn't found Serose. Then... it's highly likely... they've been kidnapped. I need to find them, but how?

[Voice]: Hehe, found ya. You think you'd outsmart us eh, by making up some story about grandma? We've been on a lookout for you for a long time. You're coming with us!

Akaya (thought): Excellent, fools. Just what I needed, someone to take me to my brothers and sisters.

*Akaya is taken into a room. His hands are tied.*

Shinichi, Yuuna, Ichika (gagged): Mmmmh!

Akaya: You fools will pay for this.

Cpt Olly: Children, you thought you tricked me didn't you? I am not so stupid. Emperor Platine will have your heads! And I will be rich! The Emperor's been on a search out for yous, with the mark of destiny, since half a millenia ago! Now I've finally found you! Oh, this is so good!

Akaya (thought): Hmm, Platine's been searching for us for five hundred years? Then it seems there is a prophecy of us.

Cpt Olly @ Crew Member: Gag the blind one, we won't need a blindfold for him.

*Akaya is gagged.*

Cpt Olly: Children, we'll be arriving at Dyssiria very shortly!

*The men leave.*

Shinichi: Mmmmh!

*Akaya focuses. The rope tieing his hands begins to burn with a small flame. His hands become free, and he takes the gag out of his mouth. His careful not to talk as it might alert the crew members.*

Akaya (thought): If only I could see. I could free my brothers and sisters... Let's see if Destiny has any tricks...

*Akaya pulls his blindfold up. He is able to see! However his vision is warped. He sees in heat vision! He frees his brothers and sisters by burning the ropes that tied them up.*

Ichika: How did you do that, Akaya?

Akaya: Sorry guys, my own secret.

Shinichi: Akaya, your eyes are glowing red! You can see?

*Akaya's eyes dim from red glow back to original colour.*

Akaya: Hmmm, I saw just then but can't see anymore.

[Voice]: They've been ungagged, Captain!

Akaya: Ichika's the only one who can fight these guys without weapons, so let her fight. Ichika, ready?

Ichika: Of course.

*Ichika gets into fighting stance. Three men and the Captain come down to beat the children. Ichika with her martial arts training defeats the four men with ease.*

Ichika: Piece of cake.

Ichika @ one of the men: you only got me by surprise last time. I can beat you anyday.

Shinichi: Whoa! I didn't know you could do that?

Ichika: Haha, no one knows. Wait, how did you know I learnt Kung Fu?

Akaya: I've seen you practising many times. To the others, I know all your skills. I've watched over all of yous for so many years.

Reiza: Hmph.

Shinichi: Haha, I'll keep my skill to myself until it's needed.

Akaya: But do any of you know my skills?

Yuuna: I'm still wondering how you freed us. Guess we'll just have to wait to find out.

Akaya: You will find out eventually. Anyways, I must speak to the navigator. Guys, come with me.

*After speaking to the Navigator, the Navigator decides to help them in their cause and turns the ship to the Paloma Islands. When they reach their destination after a few days, Akaya removes the memories of them and their story from the Navigator's mind.*

Shinichi: Akaya, why did you tell him our story? And what should we do about Captain Olly and the crew? Aren't you afraid he might give our location to Platine?

Akaya: Oh, don't worry about them. They definately won't tell anyone.

Reiza: I trust Akaya on that...

Ichika: Yeah! We've arrived at Paloma! Just one small trip to go before we're at Tyamo!

Chapter Three - Departure

*Morning. Last night Akaya and the group announced their departure from the orphanage. Words and goodbyes were exchanged and at last everyone went to bed. Akaya and the group did not speak of their mission as to be wary of spies.*

*Reiza is already awake standing silently over Yuuna, who is still sleeping.*

Yuuna: Ahhh! What are you doing, Reiza!

Reiza: I see you've woken.

Shinichi (thought): ...Reiza is a weirdo.

Ichika: Morning everyone!

All: Hey, Ichika.

Akaya: Okay everyone. Our travels plans are that we ride to Heart Port where we take a Skyship to the Paloma Islands. From there we will take a Submarine to Tyamo.

Yuuna: Wow! That's one heck of a journey. Have we got the money for travelling?

Akaya: Yes, our savings from working for Mr Pason should be enough for food, resting inns and travel. But we'll pack today's meals first.

*A few hours later after packing. Ready for departure. Everyone at the orphanage are gathered to see the group off*

Gren: Will you kids be alright? You sure you don't want me to tag with you until Heart Port?

Ichika: Don't worry Gren, we'll be alright. Remember we're all like brothers and sisters. We'll support each other!

Gren: Alright then.

Matts (kid from orphanage): Imma miss you guys!

Shinichi: Matts, we'll be sure to visit! Then we'll play whatever you want when I come back alright?

Matts: You better keep your promise!

Marge: Remember to send letters back and to tell us all how you're going! And remember if any of you need us we'll always be here for yous!

Reiza: Thanks, Marge. We'll miss you. Everyone here's been a great family to us all.

*Again, they are all in tears. Even Reiza leaks a tear this time.*

*They take three horses from the farm. Akaya takes on his favourite horse. Reiza and Yuuna sit together on another, and Shinichi and Ichika ride the third.*

[Remember Akaya is still blindfolded, and yet he's taking a horse on his own? Dare is the name of his horse. She is his favourite horse and no other animal would Akaya trust than her.]

*Dare follows the other two horses. Reiza knows the way to Heart Port and leads.*

*They travel through the hills and plains of lush grass, leaping over rivers. After an hour of riding, they decide to take a rest. They stop by a hillside to have lunch.*

Akaya: You know guys, I still feel guilty lying to Marge and the orphanage.

Ichika: You'll be alright Akaya! We all feel bad about it. But think, wouldn't Marge be so proud when we are the saviours of this land?

Akaya: No, that's not really what I feel bad about. My logic says I should trust no one but you guys. But then I think, Marge has taken care of us all those years. It would've been impossible that she was a spy. Why didn't I trust her?

Yuuna: Akaya, it's okay. Don't worry about it. You did what was right.

Reiza: Yuuna is correct. Even I know that no one is to be trusted outside of ourselves.

Akaya: I suppose...

*Akaya pushes his blindfold up so his eyes are revealed. He opens his eyes.*

Akaya: ...oh dear. As I expected. Temporary blindness resulted from lack of use. Looks like I'll be permanently blind. Don't worry guys I'll find a way around it. Yuuna, is your bandaid peeling?

Yuuna: Yeah it is. Akaya, I expect you brought a first aid kit?

Akaya: No doubt. Blindness does not affect my internal awareness.

*Yuuna takes off the peeling bandaid and sticks on a new one. Akaya puts his bandage back on.*

Akaya: We don't have a great strategic plan to defeat the darkness. I just hope Lady Destiny had one when we meet her in Tyamo. And we have an even bigger problem, Palluriana is dead. From what it would seem five children would have five spirits. We'll only have four spirits, I wonder if that'll be enough to defeat the Darkness...

Shinichi: Trust Destiny, everything will be alright.

*After half an hour they decide to ride again. About forty-five minutes later then reach Tyamo.*

Ichika: This place is filled with life! Platine's reign isn't across the whole world!

Akaya: From what I've read Platine only controls the large, powerful cities, such as Dyssiria, Sorlbis and Paltia, but his minions and spies are everywhere.

Ichika: Guys, wanna go shopping then?

Akaya: Ichika, we are not on a mission to go shopping and neither do we have an abundance of money. First we'll check when the next flight is. Then if we have spare time we'll go exploring together. I don't want anyone of us to get lost, especially in a city we do not know and with potential enemies.

*Ichika is upset by Akaya's undertone and sarcasm.*

Shinichi: Don't worry Ichika. You know Akaya, he's the responsibility type. When I get rich I'll go shopping with you whenever you like!

Ichika: Thanks, Shini. I know you have feelings for me! I like you too Shini.

Akaya: two can talk about your relationship later. We need to check the time for the next flight. Reiza, can you find the departing port?

Reiza: Yeah, I probably can. Okay, I'll lead.

Reiza @ Stranger: Hey sir, do you know where the departing port for the Paloma Islands is?

Stranger: You're going to the Paloma Islands? We'll then I'd be your Captain. Sorry, maybe I don't look like the Captain of a such a marvellous Skyship without my fancy jacket and hat and all. I'll take you to the Port.

*They are all wary of the stranger, but Akaya is a genius, Reiza is nimble and intuitive, Shinichi is brave and a protector and Yuuna and Ichika are... well, they're just the girls. The guys can handle the danger!*

*They follow the stranger who introduces himself as Captain Olly. While following they have a chat.*

Cpt Olly: So who're you guys? Why do you kids want to go to the Palomas?

Akaya: I'm Yurai. Nice to meet you, Captain. These are my brothers and sisters, not by blood though. My brother the black shirt [Reiza] is Serose; brother in the white shirt [Shinichi] is Falloro; in the pink top and dress [Ichika] is Falloro's girlfriend, Jika and last but not least [Yuuna] is Oyko, a sister. I doubt you'll remember all of us though. Don't worry about it. Our Grandmother lives in Tyamo. So we plan to fly to Paloma and then take a Submarine down.

[Notice Akaya is speaking very fast. He thought of those names immediately when the group met Olly. He knew they would have some sort of false identity just in case. The thought that Akaya is speaking fast would seem like he's trying to hide something. However Akaya is really creating another outside personality, again, just in case.]

*After a while of walking and telling Olly many lies and the use of their new names, they see the Skyship.*

Shinichi: Whoa! Who would've thought a Skyship looked like this just by reading books and listening to stories?! It's beautiful!

*Ichika stares at Shinichi. Shinichi realises his mistake.*

Shinichi (smiling face): Not as much as you of course, Ichika.

Reiza: Impressive...

Yuuna: Wow. This is the largest thing I've seen! This is spectacular. This is just something everyone has to see in their life.

Akaya (sarcastic): ...I can just grasp the fantastical image of this Skyship.

Shinichi: Oh, sorry Ak..Yurai.

Akaya: Don't worry. I was joking. I've read enough about Skyships to know their appearance back to front... and inside too...

*After waiting a while for the ship to be maintenanced, chatting about what they would think a life would be like in Heart Port and Shinichi and Ichika talking amongst themselves.*

Shinichi: I love you, Ich...Jika.

Ichika: Same, Falloro.

Shinichi: You mean more to me than anything in this world you know?

Ichika: I've known that since you got into a fight with Razo for calling me trash.

Shinichi: Haha, that was a long time ago.

*The conversations continue for about five minutes.*

Cpt Olly: Everyone, you can board now! Make sure you have your tickets.

Yuuna: Oh shoot! Tickets! We forgot to buy the tickets!

Akaya: Oh, you mean these? While you guys were talking I bought them off Olly.

Shinichi: Wow, we'd be nothing without you!

Reiza: As expected of Yurai. Remember guys, Yurai leaves nothing out.

*And so they board the Skyship and their mission, their adventure or journey to defeat the Darkness, has just begun.*

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chapter Two - Heartbreak

Akaya: Don't worry. I have a plan. But first Yuuna and I need to hide our marks. It's very likely Platine has spies around our neighbour. I will wear a blindfold to hide my eyes. Yuuna, you'll need a bandaid or something.

Yuuna: Oh, yeah! Almost forgot about that. Can't believe you remembered Akaya.

Akaya: If I hadn't we would've been screwed wouldn't we. Anyways let's get out of here.

*They make their way out of the cave they found.*

Akaya: Reiza, can you go to the doctor's and get us a bandaid and a bandage cloth?

Reiza: I can do that. But Akaya, you won't be able to see.

Akaya: What else can I do? If I risked Platine knowing of our presence our who mission would be endangered.

Reiza: Very well, it is your decision.

Akaya: And oh, don't tell the doctor our reasons. We can't trust anyone but ourselves now.

*After a while Reiza comes back with the bandage and bandaid.*

Yuuna: Thanks Reiza.

Reiza: No problems.

*Yuuna sticks the bandaid under her eye and Akaya blindfolds himself.*

Akaya: I'll do the talking to Marge.

*They go back to the orphanage. Akaya manages to make his way back with the help of the others.*

Marge: Akaya! What happened to you? Why are you wearing that?

Akaya: Sorry, I've temporarily blinded myself by accident. I've already seen the doctor.

Marge: You what!? Why didn't you tell me about it dear? You should've come back here first! What happened?

Akaya: Marge, I know you worry about me, but going to the doctor first was the best idea otherwise I would've risked permanent blindness. We were doing some exploring in that old cave we always hang out at. Something liquid fell in my eye while i was looking up. I figured it was some weak acid formed by the rock of the cave.

Marge: Thank god it's not permanent! Acid in the cave? Don't you kids ever go into that cave again! You worry me so much! How long will it be for? A week, a month? And what happened to you, Yuuna?!

Akaya: Same thing happened with Yuuna, but luckily it didn't get in her eye. Doctor said about a month. And there's something else I need to tell you Marge.

Marge: Oh, Akaya. Don't make me worry. Please don't let it be bad news.

Akaya: Sorry Marge. I suppose it's bad and kinda good. You know the couple I've been mailing to in the past month? They've decided to adopt the five of us and to start a new life in Tyamo.

Marge: Oh no, Akaya. Not all of you! What would be of the orphanage? Everyone looks to you guys as their older brothers and sisters. you're the son Gren and I never had, Akaya. All of you are like my children.

*Marge is in tears. Ichika and Yuuna goes to hug Marge and to comfort her.*

Ichika: Marge it'll be okay. We'll keep in're like our mother! We'd never just leave you, but we just want to go out and live our own lives. Just for a some time.

Shinichi: We'll visit as much we can!

Reiza (mumbling to himself): I told you this wasn't going to be good...

Marge (still with wet eyes): Oh well, I suppose you have all grown up. I've watched over yous since you were just babies. I knew you'd have to live your own lives eventually. The orphanage won't be the same without you kids. When do you have to leave then?

Akaya: We plan to leave tomorrow morning. Sorry Marge, I'll announce it to the whole orphanage tonight.

Marge: Tomorrow? But you're blinded Akaya! You can't go! And Yuuna is injured.

Akaya: Marge, I'll be okay. I have these guys to help me and I'll need to get used to this anyways. Again, i'm really sorry, but I don't want to miss this chance.

Marge: It's okay Akaya. I understand. But you promise to send letters and visit often ok?

Shinichi: Of course Marge! We'd never forget you after what you've done for us all these years. You've taken care of us like a mother!

*They are left teary, except for Reiza (who usually doesn't show many emotions anyways). Akaya's tears slip through his bandage.*

Chapter One - Destiny's Chosen

Shining Sentinel: You five have been chosen since your birth to become the five legendary heroes that will defeat the Darkness.

Yuuna: Whaat? Dude, we're just ordinary people.

Reiza: I agree. We were not born for heroics, only to live the lives we are given.

Shinichi: And what? Let the slavery and war continue? No; I will save this world. I will free my family and friends, everybody from this evil that lurks our planet!

Reiza: You are a human, Shin! You are NOT a hero. You stand no chance to the Darkness; you will die and we will lose a friend. I will not let you do this.

Shinichi: I would rather die fighting the evil, than see my people suffer anymore.

Akaya @ Sentinel: Do you have proof that we are the chosen? There many out there, stronger, smarter and more courageous. Why did you choose us?

Shining Sentinel: I? No, I did not choose yo; Destiny chose you. As for proof, what more proof do I need than that you five have the Mark of Destiny on your body?

Shining Sentinel: Shinichi, your right shoulder. Yuuna, beneath your left eye. Reiza, the left heel. Akaya, your pupils. And Ichika, the abdomen.

*All five, confused, check their body for the mark.*

Akaya: Yuuna, under your left eye! The symbol of Destiny? But I've never seen it before! Impossible.

Yuuna: Akaya, your pupils!

Ichika: Ahhhh! The symbol! How did it get there!!!

Reiza: What trick of this is yours, Sentinel? Dark magic?

Shining Sentinel: When your fate was revealed to you, those symbols, invisible to eye, revealed themselves. That YOU five have been chosen by Destiny to be her loyal knights!

Shinichi: I accept my fate and will do what must be done to save this planet. Guys, we have been chosen by Destiny. How can we refuse such an important task?

Akaya: I have my proof. Then I too will serve my fate.

Shinichi: Yuuna, Reiza, Ichika, are you with me?

Yuuna: Shini, we're just ordinary children! How are we suppose to do anything?!

Reiza: Hmph, I agree with Yuuna, Yuuna, my decision will be yours.

Ichika: Sure, Shini, but you have to protect me! But hey, what's our grand plan?

Shining Sentinel: Perhaps you know of how the Darkness was summoned?

Shining Sentinel: Almost five centuries ago, when the world was at peace and people lived joyfully, the royal advisor of the King of Dyssiria, Platine, began practising the workings of Dark Magic. At first he summoned Rethalos, Minion of the Dead Lord. Rethalos, being only a lesser spirit was easily defeated by the Knights. Why did he do so? The greed for power of course. He wished to overthrow the King. His workings were discovered, and he was thrown in prison and to be executed later.

Shining Sentinel: To escape prison he summoned, Zallarath, Fallen ArkAngel. Zallarath, with his dark powers of Hell, blew apart the prison! He would have killed the King with Zallarath's powers were it not for Volutis, Supreme Royal Magician. So Platine, commanded Zallarath and flew away on the Zallarath, with mighty wings, wingspan of seven metres, no less.

Shining Sentinel: The Kingdom knew they had to find Platine and they knew it had to be done as soon as possible. So Volutis summoned Kellaris, Eye of Earth, to search for Platine. But even with Kellaris' powers Platine could not be found.

Shining Sentinel: Five years later, the Royal technicians discovered a HUGE spike of energy underground. Everybody knew at once, Platine was still alive, and working his powers. Volutis sent the almighty and legendary Palluriana, Lord of the Clouds to defeat or remove whatever what the source of the energy. Also the King's knights and technicians were sent to the spike of energy to investigate and to protect the townspeople.

Shining Sentinel: By the time they reached there dark clouds had already covered the skies, rain poured down, lightning smashed and burnt the trees. At that spike they saw two beings. Platine, now deformed and mutated by the evil contaminating him and the other being, much more frightening. It was the monster told in myths the Lord of all evil and the bringer of Death, Poverty and War. It was Hallekorr, Ruler of the Dark world.

Shining Sentinel: Not even Palluriana could injure Hallekorr. All who were sent there were killed by a swift swing of Hallekorr's arm. The reek of the dead remained there days after, and Platine, was ruler of Dyssiria, with Hallekorr, as his ally. One became the ruler of our Earth and the other was the ruler of the Dark World. And so the world became as you see it today. A world struck by poverty and war. Though there are parts of the world, such as the town where you live that Platine is not bothered to deal with AND that will be the cause of his downfall. For the greatest of warriors do not come from the great cities of heroic, but rather from small, poor towns where destiny can take its place.

Ichika: Nice story! But what's our plan?

Reiza: If Hallekorr can kill so easily then how are we to defeat him?

Shining Sentinel: Why, there are four places in this great land where the four great spirits reside. Zaryon, King of Thunder and Lightning. Kalysha, Dreaming Angel of the Breeze and Tides. Osykin, Divine Shaman, with the powers of Burning Flames and the Earth. And Hylloi, nicknamed Echo, an apt name as he is Lord of Sounds and Vibrations. There is fifth, remember Palluriana, Lord of the Clouds? But Palluriana was killed by Hallekorr.

Shining Sentinel: You must seek out the four great spirits and call them to your aid. Four of you will be imbued with a Great Spirit. The fifth however, will not have a Great Spirit because Palluriana is dead.

Shinichi: Yuuna, you have heard enough of the story, will you go with us or not? We all have a duty to fulfil, will you fulfil yours?

Yuuna: Fine. I'll go, but I don't really see what we can do.

Reiza: Then I will go too.

Shining Sentinel: Excellent! Children, I have relayed my message. I must leave now. Best of luck for your journey!! Your starting point will be to visit the Sunken City of Tyamo and find Kalysha. I do believe Kalysha has a message for all of you from Destiny herself!

Ichika: You mean Destiny's an actual person?

*Shining Sentinel has already disappeared*

Shinichi: I guess so... We have to get to Tyamo, what will we tell Marge and Gren? We can't just leave the orphanage without telling anyone?

Akaya: Don't worry. I have a plan.