Sunday, February 21, 2010

Chapter One - Destiny's Chosen

Shining Sentinel: You five have been chosen since your birth to become the five legendary heroes that will defeat the Darkness.

Yuuna: Whaat? Dude, we're just ordinary people.

Reiza: I agree. We were not born for heroics, only to live the lives we are given.

Shinichi: And what? Let the slavery and war continue? No; I will save this world. I will free my family and friends, everybody from this evil that lurks our planet!

Reiza: You are a human, Shin! You are NOT a hero. You stand no chance to the Darkness; you will die and we will lose a friend. I will not let you do this.

Shinichi: I would rather die fighting the evil, than see my people suffer anymore.

Akaya @ Sentinel: Do you have proof that we are the chosen? There many out there, stronger, smarter and more courageous. Why did you choose us?

Shining Sentinel: I? No, I did not choose yo; Destiny chose you. As for proof, what more proof do I need than that you five have the Mark of Destiny on your body?

Shining Sentinel: Shinichi, your right shoulder. Yuuna, beneath your left eye. Reiza, the left heel. Akaya, your pupils. And Ichika, the abdomen.

*All five, confused, check their body for the mark.*

Akaya: Yuuna, under your left eye! The symbol of Destiny? But I've never seen it before! Impossible.

Yuuna: Akaya, your pupils!

Ichika: Ahhhh! The symbol! How did it get there!!!

Reiza: What trick of this is yours, Sentinel? Dark magic?

Shining Sentinel: When your fate was revealed to you, those symbols, invisible to eye, revealed themselves. That YOU five have been chosen by Destiny to be her loyal knights!

Shinichi: I accept my fate and will do what must be done to save this planet. Guys, we have been chosen by Destiny. How can we refuse such an important task?

Akaya: I have my proof. Then I too will serve my fate.

Shinichi: Yuuna, Reiza, Ichika, are you with me?

Yuuna: Shini, we're just ordinary children! How are we suppose to do anything?!

Reiza: Hmph, I agree with Yuuna, Yuuna, my decision will be yours.

Ichika: Sure, Shini, but you have to protect me! But hey, what's our grand plan?

Shining Sentinel: Perhaps you know of how the Darkness was summoned?

Shining Sentinel: Almost five centuries ago, when the world was at peace and people lived joyfully, the royal advisor of the King of Dyssiria, Platine, began practising the workings of Dark Magic. At first he summoned Rethalos, Minion of the Dead Lord. Rethalos, being only a lesser spirit was easily defeated by the Knights. Why did he do so? The greed for power of course. He wished to overthrow the King. His workings were discovered, and he was thrown in prison and to be executed later.

Shining Sentinel: To escape prison he summoned, Zallarath, Fallen ArkAngel. Zallarath, with his dark powers of Hell, blew apart the prison! He would have killed the King with Zallarath's powers were it not for Volutis, Supreme Royal Magician. So Platine, commanded Zallarath and flew away on the Zallarath, with mighty wings, wingspan of seven metres, no less.

Shining Sentinel: The Kingdom knew they had to find Platine and they knew it had to be done as soon as possible. So Volutis summoned Kellaris, Eye of Earth, to search for Platine. But even with Kellaris' powers Platine could not be found.

Shining Sentinel: Five years later, the Royal technicians discovered a HUGE spike of energy underground. Everybody knew at once, Platine was still alive, and working his powers. Volutis sent the almighty and legendary Palluriana, Lord of the Clouds to defeat or remove whatever what the source of the energy. Also the King's knights and technicians were sent to the spike of energy to investigate and to protect the townspeople.

Shining Sentinel: By the time they reached there dark clouds had already covered the skies, rain poured down, lightning smashed and burnt the trees. At that spike they saw two beings. Platine, now deformed and mutated by the evil contaminating him and the other being, much more frightening. It was the monster told in myths the Lord of all evil and the bringer of Death, Poverty and War. It was Hallekorr, Ruler of the Dark world.

Shining Sentinel: Not even Palluriana could injure Hallekorr. All who were sent there were killed by a swift swing of Hallekorr's arm. The reek of the dead remained there days after, and Platine, was ruler of Dyssiria, with Hallekorr, as his ally. One became the ruler of our Earth and the other was the ruler of the Dark World. And so the world became as you see it today. A world struck by poverty and war. Though there are parts of the world, such as the town where you live that Platine is not bothered to deal with AND that will be the cause of his downfall. For the greatest of warriors do not come from the great cities of heroic, but rather from small, poor towns where destiny can take its place.

Ichika: Nice story! But what's our plan?

Reiza: If Hallekorr can kill so easily then how are we to defeat him?

Shining Sentinel: Why, there are four places in this great land where the four great spirits reside. Zaryon, King of Thunder and Lightning. Kalysha, Dreaming Angel of the Breeze and Tides. Osykin, Divine Shaman, with the powers of Burning Flames and the Earth. And Hylloi, nicknamed Echo, an apt name as he is Lord of Sounds and Vibrations. There is fifth, remember Palluriana, Lord of the Clouds? But Palluriana was killed by Hallekorr.

Shining Sentinel: You must seek out the four great spirits and call them to your aid. Four of you will be imbued with a Great Spirit. The fifth however, will not have a Great Spirit because Palluriana is dead.

Shinichi: Yuuna, you have heard enough of the story, will you go with us or not? We all have a duty to fulfil, will you fulfil yours?

Yuuna: Fine. I'll go, but I don't really see what we can do.

Reiza: Then I will go too.

Shining Sentinel: Excellent! Children, I have relayed my message. I must leave now. Best of luck for your journey!! Your starting point will be to visit the Sunken City of Tyamo and find Kalysha. I do believe Kalysha has a message for all of you from Destiny herself!

Ichika: You mean Destiny's an actual person?

*Shining Sentinel has already disappeared*

Shinichi: I guess so... We have to get to Tyamo, what will we tell Marge and Gren? We can't just leave the orphanage without telling anyone?

Akaya: Don't worry. I have a plan.

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