Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter Four - Kidnapped!

*The group are aboard the Freedom, Captain Olly's Skyship.*
Ichika: Wow, you can see the whole continent from here!

Reiza: Olly says we should arrive tommorrow morning, and dinner's provided.

Shinichi: Nice!

Guys, come to my cabin, I have a few things to discuss with you.

*They follow Akaya to his cabin. Despite being blind, Akaya is very good with directions!*

Akaya: Reiza, mind watching over the door for us to make sure no one's listening in? I'll give you the info later. And also, don't make yourself or us look suspicious.

Reiza: Ok.

*Reiza leaves and watches the door from afar.*

Akaya: Ok, everyone. This is the first time we can discuss amongst ourselves. When we reach Tyamo we'll be heading for the Temple of Waves. That is where I believe we will meet Kalysha.

Yuuna: Well, Sentinel said four of us will have a spirit as our familiar each. Who'll be left out then?

Akaya: I would prefer I go without. But I'm sorry someone else must. Because Hylloi is mine. I need the powers of sound to use echolocation.

Shinichi: If someone has to, I'll go without. But is there a chance that Palluriana isn't dead.

Akaya: I've read myths of the City of the Dead. Only one person has come back from there. He came back half-dead crippled and diseased. He died a few days later. But, if that myth is true, then we know there is a way...

Ichika: But who said a spirit, an angel, would go to the City of the Dead?

Shinichi: We need more information, and the problem is, Akaya can't read anymore.

Akaya: Even if I can obtain Hylloi's powers of sound, reading will still be impossible. One of you will have to read for me. Anyways after we get Destiny's message and speak to Kalysha, hopefully forming an alliance, I plan to stop for a visit at Alopct, where the greatest of libraries is. If we are lucky, we'll get a lot more information on the background of this whole thing. Then I can make plans.

Akaya: Any questions on anything? Ok, guys you can relax on the ship. Just remember to use your fake names. I need to inform REiza on what we've discussed.

*The others leave to explore the ship. Akaya goes to find Reiza.*

*A while later...*

Akaya @ Shinichi: Hey Falloro, I can't find Serose. Can you help me find him?

Shinichi: Sure.

*A while later...*

Akaya: Falloro still hasn't come back. Oh no. Argh! If only I had my sight! How am I suppose to find them? Falloro would've come back if he hadn't found Serose. Then... it's highly likely... they've been kidnapped. I need to find them, but how?

[Voice]: Hehe, found ya. You think you'd outsmart us eh, by making up some story about grandma? We've been on a lookout for you for a long time. You're coming with us!

Akaya (thought): Excellent, fools. Just what I needed, someone to take me to my brothers and sisters.

*Akaya is taken into a room. His hands are tied.*

Shinichi, Yuuna, Ichika (gagged): Mmmmh!

Akaya: You fools will pay for this.

Cpt Olly: Children, you thought you tricked me didn't you? I am not so stupid. Emperor Platine will have your heads! And I will be rich! The Emperor's been on a search out for yous, with the mark of destiny, since half a millenia ago! Now I've finally found you! Oh, this is so good!

Akaya (thought): Hmm, Platine's been searching for us for five hundred years? Then it seems there is a prophecy of us.

Cpt Olly @ Crew Member: Gag the blind one, we won't need a blindfold for him.

*Akaya is gagged.*

Cpt Olly: Children, we'll be arriving at Dyssiria very shortly!

*The men leave.*

Shinichi: Mmmmh!

*Akaya focuses. The rope tieing his hands begins to burn with a small flame. His hands become free, and he takes the gag out of his mouth. His careful not to talk as it might alert the crew members.*

Akaya (thought): If only I could see. I could free my brothers and sisters... Let's see if Destiny has any tricks...

*Akaya pulls his blindfold up. He is able to see! However his vision is warped. He sees in heat vision! He frees his brothers and sisters by burning the ropes that tied them up.*

Ichika: How did you do that, Akaya?

Akaya: Sorry guys, my own secret.

Shinichi: Akaya, your eyes are glowing red! You can see?

*Akaya's eyes dim from red glow back to original colour.*

Akaya: Hmmm, I saw just then but can't see anymore.

[Voice]: They've been ungagged, Captain!

Akaya: Ichika's the only one who can fight these guys without weapons, so let her fight. Ichika, ready?

Ichika: Of course.

*Ichika gets into fighting stance. Three men and the Captain come down to beat the children. Ichika with her martial arts training defeats the four men with ease.*

Ichika: Piece of cake.

Ichika @ one of the men: you only got me by surprise last time. I can beat you anyday.

Shinichi: Whoa! I didn't know you could do that?

Ichika: Haha, no one knows. Wait, how did you know I learnt Kung Fu?

Akaya: I've seen you practising many times. To the others, I know all your skills. I've watched over all of yous for so many years.

Reiza: Hmph.

Shinichi: Haha, I'll keep my skill to myself until it's needed.

Akaya: But do any of you know my skills?

Yuuna: I'm still wondering how you freed us. Guess we'll just have to wait to find out.

Akaya: You will find out eventually. Anyways, I must speak to the navigator. Guys, come with me.

*After speaking to the Navigator, the Navigator decides to help them in their cause and turns the ship to the Paloma Islands. When they reach their destination after a few days, Akaya removes the memories of them and their story from the Navigator's mind.*

Shinichi: Akaya, why did you tell him our story? And what should we do about Captain Olly and the crew? Aren't you afraid he might give our location to Platine?

Akaya: Oh, don't worry about them. They definately won't tell anyone.

Reiza: I trust Akaya on that...

Ichika: Yeah! We've arrived at Paloma! Just one small trip to go before we're at Tyamo!

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