Friday, February 26, 2010

Chapter Five - The Test

*From the Paloma Islands, the group enjoyed a good night's sleep at a local inn. The next morning, after breakfast at the inn, they take a Submarine down to the Sunken City. After eight hours of chatting and getting some extra rest for the events to come, they eventually arrive at Tyamo.*

Ichika: Yeah! We've finally reached Tyamo! We've gotta send a letter to Marge to tell her we're ok!

Reiza: Of course. By the way, Akaya, we're so deep underwater why hasn't the pressure crushed us already? And how will we breathe underwater?

Akaya: Magic. Tyamo is actually a very old city, existing from about eight hundred years ago, long before Platine took over Dyssiria. I would assume the great beings of the heavens had cast a spell on this city, allowing its people to live.

Yuuna: Isn't it amazing how this city is still filled with people?

Akaya: Tyamo is still very popular.

Shinichi: Hey Akaya, we gotta send a letter to Marge!

Akaya: Yes, yes. I know. I don't forget things... Let's go then, to the Mail Shop.

*A while later*

Ichika (writng on letter): Marge, Gren and the orphanage!!! We've arrived in Tyamo! You wouldn't believe the sight of this place, it's just fabulous! Life is brimming everywhere! How's the orphanage going? I hope everything is still going okay without us. Haha, our new family has been nice to us, but I still don't get the family feeling. Guess it'll have to wait!

Ichika (writing):
Anyways we're all okay and of course Akaya's still blinded. Yuuna's wound is healing though! Reiza is still his good, old regular self, helping Akaya a lot, haha. Shini and I (Ichika) are now girlfriend and boyfriend! I really like Shini and he loves me too. Don't worry about me Marge, Shini will protect me! We're all okay but of course We all miss everyone at the orpanage a lot. Haha, hope to get your reply soon! Our Mail Code is "4617, Tyamo Mail Shop". Hope we can all see you guys soon! Love, Ichika, Shini, Reiza, Yuuna, Akaya <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Ichika: Done! We can mail it now!

Akaya: Cool. Now we need to get to the Temple of Waves. I am very curious about Destiny's message and meeting Kalysha. No doubt both will give us information.

Stranger 1 @ Stranger 2: I can't get into the temple! There's some sort of invisible barrier!

Stranger 2: Leave it be then, perhaps our Goddess does not wish to be disturbed.

*The strangers leave*

Shinichi: WHAT? We can't get into the temple?

Akaya: He never said we couldn't. He just said he couldn't... Perhaps Kalysha has given us a personal invitation.

*They head to a crumbling temple. The temple is coloured blue and made of strong rock, however they ears and the currents have eroded some of the pillars of support. It is a heritage site of Tyamo and a place where citizens of Tyamo go for their prayers to be answered. They head into the main room. The insides of the main room arelined with sea blue sapphires and tiles of white, and different shades of blue cover the ground.*

Yuuna: Wow. This is really beautiful!

Reiza: Of course, this is the temple of a Goddess, what would you expect?

*A young attractive woman, looking thirty years old, with a sparkling turquoise, patterned with white strokes of the free-flowing wind and shells of the deep ocean, gown appears from a doorway in front of them. Her voice is loud and strong but calm and is inviting.*

Woman: The mark of Destiny is on you five! How long I have waited for you five children! Four Hundred and eighty-six years I remember. But no matter, the Knights have arrived! And they shall free Dyssiria and the two Kingdoms from the Evil that contaminates them! Children, I am Kalysha, Dreaming Angel of the Wind and Waves, Breeze and Tides. I knew you were coming. It appeared to me in a dream - Five knights in shining armour approaching this temple.

Akaya: Kalysha, we are honoured to meet you. The first time we have met such a being with so much power and wisdom.

Kalysha: Power? No, the power is with you five. You have not yet realised your potential, but when you do, you will be much much more powerful than any of us - enough to stand a chance against Platine!

I do hope so. Anyways, to the point, Kalysha, we require your assistance on our mission to defeat Platine. And I believe one of us is to make a pact with you, to become a Spirit Guardian.

Haha, you are hasty! Very good, all the more faster to defeat the Darkness! However... Prove yourselves to me! And I shall side with you!

Shinichi: Prove ourselves? How so?

Near this city is a cave, a a huge cave filled with hostile creatures with claws and teeth. Menacing, unrelenting and deadly. in that cave is a ring, a ring I had hidden for centuries. It is the ring that gives me my power! I hid it from the Darkness and so that eventually you five would retrieve it. You must retrieve it, and I will side with yous!

Yuuna: Monsters? How do we kill monsters?

Akaya: The skills we had developed those many years. Guys, we have what it takes! So let us find that ring!

Reiza: It is a ring. How do you expect us to find something so small in such a huge cave?

Kalysha: Ahh, the ring lies in the belly of a huge guardian. A guardian I summoned to protect the ring from strangers and from the Evil.

Ichika: Ahhhh! That's disgusting!

Yuuna: Yeah, totally gross.

Reiza: ... we'll get it.

Akaya: Kalysha, we accept your challenge. However I do believe my brothers and sisters require a few weapons: A sword, a bow and arrows, and darts.

I am glad you accepted! Thank you! Go and see the Blacksmith, tell him I, Kalysha, Guardian of Tyamo, have asked for his assistance! Also find the Inn keeper, you require a bed and food for tonight, for tomorrow you will be fighting!

*Reiza goes and gets both the Blacksmith and Inn Keeper and brings them to Kalysha. They are honoured to serve their Goddess and kindly give a sword, a bow and arrows, and darts. The Inn Keeper promises them a bed and a filling dinner.*

*Shinichi receives the sword. Yuuna receives the bow and arrows. Reiza receives the darts. Ichika fight with her hands and feet, her body is her weapon.*

Yuuna: Akaya, you don't need a weapon?

Akaya: Hmmm? My weapon is my mind.

Yuuna: Haha, oh yeah, Akaya's a genius!

Akaya: ...

Akaya: Kalysha, I heard you have a message from Destiny for us.

Kalysha: Indeed I do.

I presume in our dream?

Kalysha: You are clever, Akaya.

*The five eat their dinner, then together they go and explore Tyamo before going to bed. They chat about Tyamo and the orphanage for a while before sleeping.*

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